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I have just finished reading the book “Why Black Women Are Alone: The Truth Revealed” the book was written by Hank Bullard, Jaquiez Douglas and Deondrick Scranton. The book explores the faults of black women and why more and more black men are giving up on them and going to other races including white women. Here is the publisher’s description of the book.

Black women are always wondering “Why can’t I keep a man?” “Why does he keep cheating on me?” “Why do the brothers keep going outside of their race?” “Where are all the GOOD men at?!” This book answers all of these questions! From intro to conclusion, the RAW, and UGLY truth for both men and women as to Why Black Women Are Alone.

And let me tell you this book does call it how it is. It is rough, unapologetic, brutal and I would call it mean but it is so full of truth it truly isn’t. This is about the truth. Here is a little bit about the authors from the publisher

Deon, Jaquiez, and Hank are three regular guys that are telling life like it is as far as relationships go. These experiences come from their own lives and the lives of other men and women they’ve encountered. All three men have lived all across the country but all currently reside in Memphis, Tn.

Deon, Jaquiez and Hank have written an amazing book, a book that few have had the courage to write about, and even less so honestly. Some of you may be asking “I never plan to date a black woman, why should I read this book?” Well there are several reasons. First of all if you somehow aren’t fully convinced that white women are the best this book should help you realize the truth. Even if you will never date a black woman this book is a great read. It just is encouraging to read literature about how great white women are. It also will reveal things about black women you may have never known.

Now is this book perfect? No, I actually wish it was longer its only 80 pages and I read the book the first time in about 3 hours and I was taking notes while I did it. That being said I have read it about 3 times now, yes it is that compelling of a read. There are some things in this book that I dont always agree with, but I agree with the overall message. I would also have liked the book to spend more time talking about the greatness of white women, but I also understand this book is more about what’s wrong with black women and not necessairly what is so awesome about white women.

That all being said you should get this book. You can actually download it onto your computer for a low price of $6 at the link provided below. Please support these authors as their book is magnificent and I would like to see a follow up that focuses on the white women. Or maybe I’ll just have to write one 😉



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