
Posts Tagged ‘superior white women’

Its been a while guys………so just a few things I’ve seen regarding those Goddesses known as white women….

While @ the Beverly center…

As I was going up the escalator I noticed a pretty white girl going down the opposite escalator from the corner of my eye (my white girl radar I call it), as I turned to look at her closely I thought “hey isn’t she that bitchy blonde from Spartacus?!” (I didnt know her name at the time), but it was, I yelled out “hey I love your show” (could’nt think of anything cooler to say at the time, but hey you might by dumbfounded too in the presence of such a goddess so dont judge!) She smiled and said thanks. I wasnt super surprised as the Beverly center (which is located pretty much at the mouth of Beverly hills is usually always crawling with Hollywood types).

Back to Viva though…

Viva Bianca hails from Australia, and sports beautiful blond locks, as well as a classic Caucasian look that I love!

I love/hate the character she portrays on Spartacus! On the one hand I love the bitchy, conceited, and snobby character she plays. But I also cant wait to see her pay for all the dirty deeds shes done!

Give that white woman her props!

One way or the other…a non-white woman at some point in her life will compliment a white woman….whether she intends to or not! Whether it be dying their hair blond, or getting blue contact lenses, or implants to mimic those naturally endowed white breasts (these are all unspoken compliments to white women). It demonstrates perfectly how other women wish to be (like) them! Now, I realize wonder woman is only a comic book character but she is portrayed as a strong and beautiful white brunette! While at one of my (black female) friends’ house one night for a party I happened to walk past her room to notice a huge portrait of Lynda Carter (the actress who played wonder woman in the original 1970 film). She’s always telling me and our friends about how much she loves wonder woman, and considers wonder woman to be her alter ego! She even has Lynda Carter as the screensaver for her pc! In any case I think it is great when a white woman can see how appreciated they are, and just how much of an inspiration they can be to other women! I love it even more when non-white women give them the props they are due for being so awesome! Its always better to admire, (rather than envy)!

Wonder woman is right!

The importance of white feet

I was hanging out with two of my white female friends the other day and we got into an interesting topic….feet! Lol now I know not everyone is into feet but I happen to love them! And for all the women I have dated white, black, mexican etc. etc. I have required that they keep their toes well taken care of cuz I mean…..who really wants a girl with some jacked up toes??…Not me! One of my friends mentioned how shes always catching black men, (other men as well) staring at her feet and how she will then playfully dangle her shoes on the tip of her toes (torture)! I told her how cruel she was! They know I love white women and the fact that I have managed to keep them as (only) friends for this long, gets me a nice hook-up with their friends every now and again =). Then they began grilling me on why I had a thing for feet, and particularly white womens feet, I reasoned that it was because they were attatched to the white women but my friend took it a step further…her theory was that because of times where we (black men) were not able to look above a white womans feet, that not only do we now have a fixation with white women but their feet as well. She suggested that if any human being was restricted to look at only a certain place on anothers body without ever seeing their face, you would use that body part to imagine the rest of them, and conceive how they look. IE. If you were only allowed to look at a persons stomach and it was very fat, you might reason that, that person isnt very attractive, a person with boney legs or arms will likely have an boney face etc. etc. I teased her for being way wayy to technical about it, and insisted that I am just a foot freak in general but we all agreed that white women typically have nicer feet than other women, and that more often will you find a white woman with shapely, well arched and taken care of feet than any others!

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We have recently past the 500 posts mark, and to celebrate this BAWIR and myself have created the White Goddess podcast. You can download this podcast for free at the link posted below. We would really appreciate your feedback and what we need to do to make it better, also we are always looking for people to be a part of the podcast and will take suggestions for topics to discuss. It’s gonna be a blast!


You have no excuse not to listen, its FREE!

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Okay we all know this myth is some straight up BULLSHIT! Excuse my french but I can’t stand this lie its so seeped into the races of men that they will even say shit like “oh she’s got a nice ass….for a white girl.” I cannot stand that phrase white women have great curves and ass! What looks good in jeans always doesn’t look good out of them fellas and so when that girl you thought had a great booty takes off those jeans you could see all the stretch marks and wrinkles and no that is 100% fat not toned at all. Its disgusting, repulsive and quite honestly laughable!

White women have always had curves and superior curves at that. Think about how many famous white celebs are out there with curves men drool over: Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Nichols, Pamela Anderson, Jessica Biel, Nicoellete  Sheridan, Debra Messing, Christina Hendricks, Sandra Bullock, Jessica Simpson, not to mention all the lower popularity celebs like; Christy Hemme, Lucy Pinder, Denise Milani, Keeley Hazell, April Bowlby….the list goes on and on and on and on and on AND ON!

So why is this myth around? I’m sure you all know by now because non-white women will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to try and keep “their men” away from white woman. Its sad but I guess blatant lies are the only weapon in their wimpy arsenal. A lot of white women take care of themselves and realize the key to smoking hot real curves that will last and not turn into pudding by age 30 is to work out and eat right. Its a trait thats not exclusive to one race, so I’m not sure why white women supposedly don’t have curves. Next time someone tells you that call them a liar to their face and hopefully they’ll do the world a favor and just shut up!

Christina Hendricks has curves

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It’s that time again, time to bust another myth wide open! Okay guys lets talk about how white women are gold diggers. Now for those of you who don’t know what a gold digger is, its a woman who basically gets with a man for his money only. Gold Digger also sometimes will be used to suggest the woman will cheat on the man and do whatever she wants as she has no love for him and only cares about the size of his wallet.

Now first off it would be a lie to say that there are no such thing as white gold diggers. I’m not naive, I know this happens a lot. Here is something most men probably don’t want to hear but its true: most women to some extent are gold diggers. Now this is not to suggest women don’t marry for love, but women do look at how much money a man has and it plays a factor in the relationship. Anyway woman who says otherwise is lying. Its not about greed either, most women who still have a shred of traditional values about a woman’s place in a household/relationship still want a man who can provide on some level. Now this may not always be money, it could be; security, status, sexual fulfillment, parenting, and of course their ability to satisfy them on an emotional level. But like men women want something out of a relationship too. Everyone is in it for themselves in some extent.

Still I think the myth about white women being gold diggers comes from the disparity in success. I know plenty of Asian women who are gold diggers and are dating rich Asian men or white men because of simply their status and bank account. I don’t like this when it happens, but its a fact of life. That being said I feel white women usually end up being put in the focal point of the gold digging/trophy wife due to the fact that white women have a higher success rate when it comes gold digging.

Let’s be real about this. You are a rich, successful man and regardless of race you want a wife whom you can take out to your social events and really point too. I mean not to objectify women but the man is going to want a hot wife if he either has worked hard his entire life to get money or was born into an elite status where everything from your car to your mailbox represents who you are. Thus you will want a super hot wife! And if you want a hot wife which race of women are you GENERALLY going to go to? White women.

Its a simple fact of life, and so what people fail to realize is that there are not more white women gold diggers than there are any race but white women are more successful. Do you think black men in the hood get rims on their car because they want all their guy friends too oogle over them? No they do it for women, and yes there are women attracted to that. But as far as a non-white woman getting a truly rich man they usually have to have the beauty/game for that level. Something white women 9 out of 10 times will always beat them at. There are plenty of women out there who aren’t white who want a man whose rich and judge a man based on the size of his wallet and not his heart but they eventually have to settle. White women usually don’t.

I could go all into the kindness, love and integrity that many white women have, but most people on this blog already know that from personal experience. So let’s just leave it at this: are there more white women gold diggers than non-white women? No. Are there more white women gold diggers who actually got their gold because some man with a lot of money wanted a hot wife? Yes.

When it comes to a trophy wife why get anything less than gold?

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Okay so finally found some time in my busy schedule to talk about these myths that really bug me when spread about white women. Usually these myths are spouted off by non-white women. I don’t want to draw too much comparison because some people AKA haters/idiots get angry when our site isn’t 100% about white women when we “bash” non-white girls. But let’s be honest right here have you ever read a pro-black woman or pro-asian woman blog where they didn’t draw comparison to other races? When you find a blog be sure to let me know Ill be right here waiting for it.

Okay so lets look at this myth that white women are somehow “submissive” and or “push overs” now of course this is speaking in broad terms. There are women of all races who are submissive and pushovers thats a personality trait that can pop up anywhere. Which is one more reason for me to hate this stereotype. I mean let’s look at it. How are white women submissive? White (and yes even black women) stood side by side and helped earn women the right to vote in 1920. Actually in the state of Wyoming women who were usually helping the men side by side were already allowed to vote, just not in national elections due to state rights. (I wonder how the tea party would feel about all this liberalism giving women the right to vote?) Anyway white women have long fought against oppression from men and other enemies. For example: what color was Joan of Arc? Or Queen Elizabeth or Queen Mary. Bloody Mary actually, both these women were ruthless bitches (in the good/badass way…well maybe not Queen Mary…) anyway these ladies were far from push overs.

The reason white women are seen as pushovers/submissive is due to masculine controlled media which for centuries has popularized the idea. Because in America for a long time only white women were shown on screen they were always displayed by chauvinistic directors as weak and or submissive. That was the way men WANTED them not how most of them were and are. Time has gone on and women of all races are now more often shown as tough in the media yet still the myth about white women remains. Why is this so? Was it not Hariet Beecher-Stowe who wrote a radical book against slavery? She was a white woman who had a lot to loose by speaking out.

How are white women the submissive ones? White women are the rulers of such striving countries as Germany and Iceland. Of course usually when people talk about white women being submissive they mean in a relationship. That a white woman will just let her man walk all over her and will do whatever he says. What a load of bull! How in a country with a divorce rate over 50% are all these so called white women just letting men run them. Man those divorces must have all been asked for by the men. The women must have been on their knees begging not to have the man go through with the divorce? See how sick non-white women are in the head with these lies? I mean how do they explain Elin when she took a golf club to Tiger’s head when she found out she was cheating? Is she a submissive white woman?

How come black women never talk about all the rural and still very traditional tribes in Africa which will literally and heinously mutilate the female genitalia of young women so they will not cheat or end up having wild sex. Destroying their chance to experience sexual pleasure? No wives stand up to their husbands and men when this happens? Sounds pretty submissive to me. What about how they still in many African cities and villages flaten young girl’s breasts so they can not distract men, despite all the health problems it causes. These women don’t sound like independent free non-submissive women to me.

I think these jealous non-white women are mistaking if I may borrow from lovewhitemeat2 here: Partnership and cooperation with submission. You know a man like to feel like he’s needed in some capacity in your life. Most men don’t want full control, they just want to feel as if what they feel is important. But so many women (and you see this more with non-white women) see this as them coming at them in the wrong way. Trying to control them. Ladies don’t kid yourselves. Being the man in the relationship should still mean something, it means that he is an equal partner who should have some say in what happens just as much as you do. You don’t need to submit to him and just let him run you, but you do need to respect him.

So are white women submissive and pushovers? Is that the only way non-white women can explain why white women are better at getting their men they are? I think thats what it really boils down to, another pathetic excuse from the always looking for one black community. And yes I know I’m a white girl, but as a woman whose on the outside looking in thats what I see. I date tnameat and its a partnership, we cooperate, we tell each other how we feel. And yes sometimes we have our disagreements, but I am no pushover. I’ll tell him as it is, I’m an independent woman who doesn’t NEED him, but I WANT him and thats why it works. Because we work together. So next time one of you non-white girls sees a white girl with a black guy and thinks to say “oh he’s just with her because he can control her.” look deep inside and see how jealous you truly are. Because if you don’t fix yourselves as a community it won’t be long before black men realize that they have plenty of BETTER options to choose from for a mate.

She may not be able to do a neck roll but she can make a head roll

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So as a white woman I felt it was necessary to explain in my words what I thought were the top 10 biggest myths about white women. These are ranked in no particular order but I will over the course of the next few months go into great detail debunking all of them. I find it unacceptable that these myths exist and I want to make sure I can clear up the confusion on them.

  • 1. White Women Are submissive/push overs
  • 2.White Women cant discipline/raise children properly
  • 3.White Women are gold diggers
  • 4.White Women have no curves/ass unless they are fat
  • 5.Black Men get ugly white women because they can’t get good looking ones
  • 6.White Women only like black men because of penis size
  • 7.White Women Can’t Dance/Have No Soul
  • 8.White Women Can’t Cook “real” food
  • 9.White Women are jealous of non-white women/White Women aren’t exotic
  • 10. White Women Don’t Age Well

So these are the myths I will debunk and in that order presented to you, If you know of any other myths you’d like me to debunk let me know. I have no problem destroying the ignorance of this world especially America.

Your lying to yourself if you say you don't like white women.

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I know I’m kind of the new girl on the block, but I felt it was important to state the importance of this blog to me as a woman. First of all I find that this blog is one of the few blogs on the web that totally turns the myths about white women upside down without racist trash. We are not a stormfront, we encourage love and kindness. I appreciate how this blog simply exists to let men know that it is okay to love white women the most. That it can be a 100% natural feeling.

I think white women may feel a bit of shame when we think of ourselves as the standard of beauty, but why should we? Why is society so contradictory towards how we should feel about ourselves? They tell us that white women are over exposed as these beautiful women, that we are plain in the end, that other races of women are more “exotic” than us. And yet they plaster white women all over: magazines, billboards, television, movies, video games etc. It can be a confusing world for young and even old white women. Thats why I’m glad this blog exists, to show that white women are victims too.

Over a million hits, thats impressive. People can try to deny this as much as they want. But in the end what has happened here and what will happen here is important. This blog is here to stay, and no amount of sites bashing this place or a handful of disgruntled comments will stop us. People can say what they want about me, call me arrogant, insecure but I know the truth. As a white women I have something not all women have, I must not abuse it but I must still use it. White female beauty I hope is seen as something to look up to, not something to mock or take for granted. White Goddess to me is the best place to read an honest opinion about the importance, beauty and love of the white women.

White Goddess: one of the most important blogs on the net

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Its hard to believe that this blog has over a million hits. When I first started this blog, I honestly did not think it would become this popular, this important. I thought it would be a mere few months before the hate comments and e-mails would overwhelm me and I’d have to shut this blog down, but people really found this place to be a haven and thats when I knew despite all the problems that this blog was worth creating, and maintaining.

This blog was created because I realized a sad truth, that black men could not publicly love white women. That it was still considered a social taboo and something that could cause alienation from friends and even family. But this blog quickly evolved as I realized it was all men white, black Asian, Hispanic would could not express their love for white women. That even white women were not allowed to tout their good looks, and that a black woman could never side with a white woman without being ridiculed. I realized white women were on a lot of people’s minds and for various reasons they were taught to keep it all inside. Repress their feelings. White Women were painted as evil.

This is not to say that non-white women dont have struggles but white women truly face a struggle that is not addressed. They are oppressed openly and ridiculed publicly. Yet they cannot defend themselves, and neither can any other type of person. They are the pinnacle and yet the punching bag of everyone. I guess the saying is true “when you are at the top, everyone wants to knock you down.”

This blog became something so much more than just a blog of hot women and editorials, it became a movement right before my eyes. It became a source of enlightenment for people, it became a battleground of controversy. It became a discussed issue. I remember the changes like when we changed our name from White Meat to White Goddess. I remember the writers of the past who helped build the site. I remember the people like Guru who tried to tear it down, and through it all the blog is still here. Maybe I’m placing too much importance on this blog but I truly do believe it is a beacon. Yes we show porn here but I’d argue its basically always in good taste and the articles posted on here are usually thought provoking and educational.

This blog is far from perfect, but I feel its an important blog to have. My hope is that more and more blogs like this will pop up and people will cotninue to come to this site to marvel at the white women of the world. This has been a great experience for me, and I hope it has been for you. We have over a million hits and can’t wait for 2 million. This blog has been climbing in views and popularity with each passing month. I’d like to eventually have models pose for this blog with exclusive photos for this blog, but thats a long way off I believe. So Spread the word and remember to all of you who love and honor the white woman YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

White Women: How could you not love this?

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Beyonce wearing her weave, you can see where the sewn in hair is causing stress to her scalp.

I don’t get weaves. For those who don’t know what a weave is, a weave is basically human hair from another person which is literally sewn into the scalp of a woman. It works like extensions but more intrusive and permament. Though you still have to reapply the weave to continue. And these things aren’t cheap. Good Indian Hair (Indian Hair means that literally East Indian women sold their cut hair to make this weave) go upwards of $800! I’m not joking people, people are paying $800 sometimes thousands of bucks to wear someone else’s hair!!!!

Who usually buy weaves? African-American women who generally cant grow long flowly hair. You see naturally long silky hair is not a common trait in the African genome. Speaking frankly usually only North Africans have even the slight chance of being able to grow long European type hair. This creates a problem for African-American women who must compete with Asians, Latinas and of course White Women for attention.

Men are generally attracted to the more European type hair, so in order to make that appeal black women have to buy fake hair. Its pathetic! They are wasting good money trying to be like a class of women they will never be. Now some black women do have naturally flowy hair, but these are women who are generally mixed with something other than African.

So here is the question why after all this do black women act so hostile towards white women around “their men”? The answer is jealousy, and fear. Black women can’t even grow hair like I have, and since its a standard of beauty in this world, no matter how wrong or right it is for it to be most black women seem to want and try and be like us. Us as in white women. Why can’t they be confident in themselves? Some are, but it seems to be from my vantage point that most are trying to be “black” but at the same time trying to be sexually appealing by grasping at this “white” look.

Here is the major problem though, their men will eventually find out they wear a weave. What happens when his hard earned money starts going into fake hair, or when they are having sex and he can’t even caress her head because he’ll mess up her weave. There is a reason black women can’t hang out in the rain very long, it totally messes up their fake ass hair! So I have something to tell those weave wearing women, stop trying so hard. You don’t have our kind of hair you never will! Your men like our kind of hair and there ain’t nothing you can do about it! Period.

Paltrow with her perfect hair, that women spend thousands on trying to imitate

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Ladys and Gents I give you Christina Hendricks! I dare say that not since Scarlett Johansson have I seen such an exquisite and dangerously curvy white actress! I love her creamy white skin, long curly red hair and all of her natural curves definitely a goddess. She represents perfectly the natural beauty white women possess!

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In todays world white men aren’t to fussy on who they like. White men are usually attracted to more than just white women. Yet when I tell people I am only attracted to white women they think I’m racist. Yes folks its racist for a white man to prefer white women. People use racism to make me feel bad for only liking white women. In a lot of ways I think this is why I started liking black women last year.

People were saying I was racist for preferring white women, so I tried to seem un-racist by liking black women. I didn’t like them for the right reasons, I was doing it to be “politically correct”. Now if you are a white man that likes other races, good for you. But when you have to lie to yourself and your friends to seem correct its not good.You should never have to hide your truth beliefs, just so that others will accept you!

I believe that today all races of men are being attacked by the world and making us turn. We are being told that liking white women only is racist and we should be interested in other races. I can honestly say that I am only attracted to white women. I have no desire to be with a woman of another race. Am I racist; no. I am just following my heart and supporting the women I love.

All men that like white women are facing the same struggle. We are all being taught that liking white women is racist and incorrect.

I am a White man that likes White women, & I'm proud of it!

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Just some random thoughts I had while at work and on a college campus….


A white woman’s superiority is so evident to me no matter where I am…. today as I walked around campus (known for its large Asian student body) I noticed many cute asian chicks, I mean hottys! They had great legs and were nicely shaped. But then occasionally I would see a white chick that BLEW them out of the water! I mean no competition at all! It never ceases to amaze me (and I love and am attracted to every race of woman) how even the most average white woman has a leg up on some of the finest non-white women! Its just no competition white women are in a league of their own! As one white girl once told me when we were having a discussion about a white woman’s beauty “White girls are the SHIT!”, It was great to see that she knew just how special she was! They may not show it all the time (out of modesty) but white women know they are the best!

another day while at work (I work part time in a corporate office)….

I find out that one of my co-workers (who is black) will be getting married with a white woman. This particular co-worker is very successful and a great guy, and I think its great that he chose a superior white woman.

soon after my discovery….

2 women coworkers (who are black) were having a discussion about how when we as black men become successful we tend to marry a white women and criticized him for it. They mentioned this to me, and I kind of just shrugged it off. It amuses me because one of them in particular it does everything she can to be like a white woman. Reads magazines pertaining to white beauty, trys to speak in a white woman’s tone of voice and even had a boob job ( likely to be more comparable to a white women’s girth) and she always talking about how a beautiful a white celebrity is! Its so obvious that she worships a white woman’s beauty the sad part is she doesn’t realize it. If she did she wouldn’t be criticizing this man for making such a great life decision! She’d be congratulating him! Im happy for him and I hope he serves his white woman well!

One night…

While standing in line for a bar the other night with some beautiful white women near by
My best friend finally broke down and admitted that he loves white women….after his many years of denial and claiming that they were overrated, I welcomed him to the club! This just continues to prove to me that White women are the standard of beauty, and that even those who continue to try and diss and take away from them (probably really love them deep down inside)

this is just me reflecting out loud….

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What were you saying black women about white women not having nice butts? I’m so confused by this obviously false rumor. It never fails to upset me! Why don’t you watch this video of what a really nice butt looks like one that has been taken care of. Not just filled up with fat. Nice, firm and juicy. Oh and this video actually is a legit workout….for your left hand. Her name is Zuzana just in case you were wondering.

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Golden Goddess is a new series, I am starting and it focuses on my favorite type of white women – BLONDES. To me there is nothing more majestic on this earth than a blonde white woman, a beautiful flaxen-golden haired-white skinned beauty. ONLY white women are capable of growing naturally blonde hair and this the all the proof needed to show their natural superiority to women of other races.

White men love them, Black men love them, Middle eastern men adore them, and it is even said that in India a Blonde haired beauty is considered by many to be favored by the gods – think I might have to agree with them there.

Ms. Pamela Anderson

Say What you want about Pam – shes old, there where hotter blonde celebs before her etc. But as a kid growing up in the 90’s I remember the young baywatch blonde who took america by storm, arguably she owned the decade and playboy for that matter. To me she represented the dominance of white beauty, I can remember getting criticized by my then girlfriend for having a huge poster of this ‘White Woman’ (Pam), on my bedroom wall – what can I say I guess I knew even then that there was something better out there!

But without further ado…gentlemen I give you Pamela Anderson, A woman who has had a very successful and illustrious career as a model, actress and entrepreneur, she is truly worthy of being considered a GOLDEN GODDESS

*Note click on the pics for the full image, as they are very large and great for use as desktop wallpaper, enjoy!

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Left: Sandra Bullock portrays Leanne Tuoghy, Right: Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Micheal Oher (with the real Leanne Tuoghy)

Happy New year guys! Sorry I know its been a while since my last post but I got all caught up in the countless bowls taking place, in which I might add I happen to live in L.A. and let me tell ya the city has been invaded by tons of White beauties from Ohio state, Oregon, Alabama and Texas! So you know I had my attention elsewhere!

Now…..on to this STRONG white woman, If you’ve seen the movie called ‘The blind side’ then you’ve heard of LeAnne Tuoghy shes a courageous woman with a big heart, strong resolve and a beautiful soul! Not only is she a smoking hot housewife, but she is also a business woman, a family woman and a good samaritan (taking in a homeless kid nurturing and helping him turn his life around for the better) oh and not to mention she can hold her own when it comes to dealing with hooligans! Sandra Bullock portrays her in this adaptation of the true story, and does a great job! So do yourselves a favor folks and check out ‘the blindside’ its a great tale, and further neutralizes those rumors about white women being weak and without substance. (We’ve always known the truth anyway)

By the Way Sandra Bullock has been declared celebrity of 2009 beating out the likes of Johnny Depp, and George Clooney….hmm TNA maybe she’s the true white goddess of the year =)

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