
Posts Tagged ‘cooking’

Now I’d be the first to say if a video was purely for sexual entertainment but Jordan Carver’s latest video is more than that she actually teaches how how to properly make a Plum Cake/Pie from scratch. Sure there is some sex appeal involved but its well shot and edited, and I actually had fun watching it. Maybe you will too.

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We all love this beautiful white goddess. Check her out in these sexy photos! Oh did I mention she’s all natural and values education?

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Back in April, this myth took another beating.  On Rachael Ray’s March Menu Mania contest, a White Woman, Mandi Forester was crowned the winner.  Not only was the winner a White Woman, the final two recipe contestants were White Women.  Mandi won with her white chicken chili recipe.  The runner-up, Sara Mayer, also impressed with her chick n’ ranch crescent squares.  Who says that only black females can only cook chicken?  White Women can cook chicken and in a way that is tasteful and healthy.  Black females cook chicken that is fried to kill.  Both of Rachael Ray’s finalists made their meals and their samples were distributed to the audience members at the television show.  Both of the White Ladies wowed the audience with their creative recipes. 

Now, it should be no surprise that two White Women were the finalists.  However, in this overly politically-correct society there may well have been a black female among the finalists.  Black females are thought to be good cooks when they only succeed in hacking years off the lives of their families and themselves.  Black females are tremendously overrated as cooks.  They fry food to death.  They add incredibly fattening ingredients.  They are not good, healthy cooks.    These facts were definitely observed by the producers and audience members who tried the meals of the cooking contestants.  You would think that in this overly politically-correct society that one black female would be chosen.  Well, even in an overly PC culture, they couldn’t find one black female even as a finalist.  They know the truth.  White Women are better.  White Women are better cooks.

White Women can cook and are sexy too!

White Women are better cooks than black females and are sexier too!

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MMMMMM! Oh yeah, white women are better at making meals too. Though I’m hungry for something other than food right now….

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