
Posts Tagged ‘history’

Fiorenza Cossotto is one of the great female Italian voices, and her work with opera is well known. She is a Soprano and at her peak was one of the leading sopranos of all time. She has preformed in countless plays, operas and concerts but I thought I’d share a cut off one of her works from 1967. Please enjoy listening to this beautiful and elegant work from this white Italian bird. A bird with a ferocious control of her voice. Strong, yet soft.

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Denise Milani, from Czech Republic

America is a beautiful country, filled with beautiful women no doubt. But for us American men I think its time I urge you to at the very least explore Europe. Whether you are Black, White or something else a trip to Europe might be just what you need to see what you are possibly missing out on.

There are the obvious reasons a trip to Europe is in order. The locations, the history, the exotic locations, the culture but for guys like us….the women. Come on guys this is the motherland of the women we adore so much. That we come on here everyday to salivate over. Makes sense we should go to the source.

Me and some of my friends have recently been talking about traveling to Europe in hopes of seeing all that Europe has to offer. Some of the hot spots we’ve talked about are: London, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Ireland, Denmark and Amsterdam.

In truth while America is great for some men in particular black men it can be a difficult to live when trying to find a suitable white woman to court or even marry. The culture in Europe is different than America’s there are pros and cons but the pros outweigh the con. Due to more homogenous societies black men tend to stand out but in countries like Germany, Sweden, Denmark and France this serves to the advantage of the black man. As these countries tend to have a more favorable view of the black men with their women. London was not included because it is not a homogenous society. While mostly white European there is a mixed culture and according to the 2001 census 50% of Black men are more likely to marry outside their race. Something to keep in mind when you think about going there. Afterall it is a country that speaks English. And when you have beautiful women like Sophie Reade and our reigning white goddess admitting a preference for black men it becomes even more appealing.

Let’s also keep in mind that a trip to Europe could really expand one’s understanding of the world at large and get a sense of the culture and history of the white woman. My friends and I talked about visiting all the museums and historical landmarks. Seeing all the art of the beautiful form of the white woman. When speaking about Eastern Europe with Moscow, the Ukraine and the Balkans we were unsure on what to do, as my friend in particular feared that Eastern Europe would be less open to black men. That remains to be seen. Perhaps someone could answer, I’d love to see the Hermitage with a beautiful Russian woman. In the end it seems clear that men need to make a visit to Europe.

Europe is Calling.

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The Dallas Cowboy cheeleaders are world famous for being some of the hottest cheerleaders the NFL has to offer and the NFL franchise that pioneered more revealing cheerleading outfits. They are also one of the most searched terms in the history of this blog. Looks like the public agrees.

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I have nothing against Black History Month, in fact I celebrate it a lot and think its very importnat. But ya’ know felt it was time that white women got their own month where we took pause to remember their accomplishments. So March will be White Women History Month.

Oh and for those of you wondering, yes I will be posting on the beautiful of the Winter Olympics very soon! But before I do tell me what you think of this month, good idea? or bad one?

Hedy Lamarr a pioneer in wireless communications who helped battle Nazis.

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I read this article the other day and was shocked and disturbed. Of course I think that the enslavement of the Native Americans and Africans was a terrible act, but here is something you won’t read about in the main stream history books, white Irish women being sold into the slave trade! Read this eye opening article by John Martin from Rasta Livewire:

The Slaves That Time Forgot

By John Martin

They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children.

Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives.

We don’t really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? After all, we know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. But, are we talking about African slavery?

King James II and Charles I led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Britain’s famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing one’s next door neighbor.

The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.

Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.

From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland’s population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain’s solution was to auction them off as well.

During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers.

Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” to describe what occurred to the Irish. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle.

As an example, the African slave trade was just beginning during this same period. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts.

African slaves were very expensive during the late 1600s (50 Sterling). Irish slaves came cheap (no more than 5 Sterling). If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. A death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African.

The English masters quickly began breeding the Irish women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman somehow obtained her freedom, her kids would remain slaves of her master. Thus, Irish moms, even with this new found emancipation, would seldom abandon their kids and would remain in servitude.

In time, the English thought of a better way to use these women (in many cases, girls as young as 12) to increase their market share: The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. These new “mulatto” slaves brought a higher price than Irish livestock and, likewise, enabled the settlers to save money rather than purchase new African slaves.

This practice of interbreeding Irish females with African men went on for several decades and was so widespread that, in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, it was stopped only because it interfered with the profits of a large slave transport company.

England continued to ship tens of thousands of Irish slaves for more than a century. Records state that, after the 1798 Irish Rebellion, thousands of Irish slaves were sold to both America and Australia.

There were horrible abuses of both African and Irish captives. One British ship even dumped 1,302 slaves into the Atlantic Ocean so that the crew would have plenty of food to eat.

There is little question that the Irish experienced the horrors of slavery as much (if not more in the 17th Century) as the Africans did. There is, also, very little question that those brown, tanned faces you witness in your travels to the West Indies are very likely a combination of African and Irish ancestry.

In 1839, Britain finally decided on it’s own to end it’s participation in Satan’s highway to hell and stopped transporting slaves. While their decision did not stop pirates from doing what they desired, the new law slowly concluded THIS chapter of nightmarish Irish misery.

But, if anyone, black or white, believes that slavery was only an African experience, then they’ve got it completely wrong.

Irish slavery is a subject worth remembering, not erasing from our memories. But, where are our public (and PRIVATE) schools???? Where are the history books? Why is it so seldom discussed?

Do the memories of hundreds of thousands of Irish victims merit more than a mention from an unknown writer? Or is their story to be one that their English pirates intended: To (unlike the African book) have the Irish story utterly and completely disappear as if it never happened.

None of the Irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal. These are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books conveniently forgot.


Why has this history been hidden?

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Some have critcized us, but most have praised us. White Goddess now has over 200,000 hits on the blog! Thank you to everyone for making this happen could not have done it without you guys!


Here is some Michelle Marsh to thank you all!

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Historical Black Colleges are some of the greatest places on earth for young black minds to become educated. When other colleges would not accept African-Americans or other minorities the historically black colleges or HBC was always there to help. HBCs have always been progressive and ahead of the curve in many ways,  and thats why I wasnt surprised when I read reports and saw on CNN that many HBCs have been selecting white women to represent their college’s beauty in pageants.

This year several HBCs have selected a white woman as the winner of their annual campus beauty pageants. Including earlier in the year Kentucky State University and this year at Hampton University. Hampton U is known within the African-American community as having the best looking black women, and one of the best party schools in the nation, period. But are we really surprised that even the best looking young black women were no match for a white woman?

But of course there is tons of hypocrisy erupting over this. Some people (mostly black women) are angry a white woman would win at a HBC. Which makes no sense to me and is blatant racism, after all if a black woman had not won a beauty contest at a school for even a small amount say 10 years there would be an outcry of racism and unfairness via “the system.” Luckily Nikole Churchill the Hampton U student who broke the race barrier pleaded out to President Obama, and many statements flooded in from people of all races and ethnicities supporting Churchill. She is a hero, and I think this also shows how much our country is changing. Perhaps one day we will live in a world where white women will dominate even the minority beauty contests.

A great moment in white women history!

A great moment in white women history!

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In society women who have sex with different men are considered: sluts, whores, harlots “easy”. But men who have sex with a lot of women are seen as: player and studs. Is it really all that bad that there are some women who basically only just have sex with men? Why does our society make women who were made for pleasing men feel bad, when they are fulfilling a very important role?

In ancient times Kings and rulers would have a wife for emotional and status support but many would have several mistresses, concubines and girlfriends. You have to remember in many cultures marrying inside the family to keep royal power within a family line was common and thus having another woman who wasn’t your blood relative was appealing and probably often necessary. But women selected to be the sexual partner of a king or powerful men generally saw it as an honor. Some women would spend their entire lives learning how to dance in a sexually inviting manner, sing, and sexually please a man. And this does not mean that all women would do this, some would be educated, some women like Queen Elizabeth ran the country!

Lets move to modern day, today in our “advanced” society we have made it seem like we were liberating women by telling them having lots of sex and spending their youth years dedicated to sexually satisfying men as something to look down on. When it truly is not, you can see some women whose bodies were made for: breeding, pleasure and entertainment. Yes it is not only sex for pleasure that is important some women with strong hips are good for having babies. This has been the same since ancient times, and let’s not be politically correct and say that some women were better built for child birth than others. Now today’s modern medicine has evened the field a bit but even now child birth is a serious event which can cause health complications in the mother and child.

Take for example the Polish busty model Ewa Sonnet. Since around February of the year 2009 she hasn’t posted a new photo, video or even a message to her fans. There are many rumors swirling about but the general feeling is that Ewa is trying to launch a music career and feels she needs to distance herself from her erotic past to be seen as a respectable singer. Now I’ve heard Ewa’s music, she isn’t bad but as far as I’m concerned singing is the secondary purpose for her mouth. If you catch my drift. Dont take this as sexism, there are plenty of beautiful women whose first purpose is to sing, that is a form of entertainment and it is a true talent. But Ewa has obviously been built for a life of sex and breeding. She has large NATURAL tits which will be good for breast feeding, pleasing a man and she has nice hips for bearing children. Singing is just the icing on the cake, she can sing a song right before she spreads her legs. Now to be fair to the great Polish people their society sees things a bit differently than the Western World might and many of her fans are not willing to support her unless she goes back to her modeling ways with music as a secondary talent.

In closing  women should not feel ashamed if they feel the only thing they can do well is please men. That is something to be proud of, not every woman can be the CEO of a company and even then some of them would probably still be going home for at the very least a secondary purpose of sex. And of course the best sexual experiences and quite frankly the only sexual experiences worth having come from white women. Thoughts?

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While I’m sure that title got your attention this is truly an article about big boobs and their importance throughout history. Now as I have stated before it is medically proven that White Women generally have the most healthy breast milk. That alone is important in itself. However I want to go further than that.

In today’s society women, in particular white women with big boobs are seen as two things; fake or sluts. Sure in the media big boobs are seen as objects of lust, but on the street women (usually one with small breasts) are quick to say thin women with big tits have fake tits. Despite the face thin women have had very large breasts for centuries far before plastic surgery was even a thought.

In ancient times and still in many cultures today such as; East Asia, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa big breasts were considered a sign of good health, fertility that the woman was fit to be a mother. Thin women with smaller breasts were usually left to the labor assigned to them outside of the bedroom and raising children. And of course today a world very aware of white women treasures big white breasts. As society and maternal medicine has improved big breasts still kept their importance but also became a sign of a good mate.

I will go further into this topic soon, in particular tackle the topic of how certain women may have been built for sex.

In ancient civilizations Sophie would have been the ideal mate and mother.....guess times change but things stay the same.

In ancient civilizations Sophie would have been the ideal mate and mother.....guess times change but things stay the same.

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From youtube.com/missgilliantopaz she brings us another great video about how she is not a racist but proud to be white. Please watch and support her channel.

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This is  from “Say it Loud” .com website and thought it was just too true and good of an article to not post. Just read this man’s story of his life struggle, while I do not totally approve of his choice to date women of other races, this article is thought provoking and worth a read.

Why I Sold Out

I am a successful black man. I am successful career wise, social
wise, and financially. I`ve been investing in the market since the
mid-80`s when I received my bachelor`s degree and have really
reaped the benefits.

Due to this, I have been able to pay off student loans, finance
graduate school without additional loans, pay for my home,
automobiles, and still keep money in the bank. The lessons on
investment I got from my dad (R.I.P.), even though he was a
custodian – he knew how a black person could “turn ground beef
into T-Bone” through simple, sane, and consistent investment.

So, I`m doing well on that end. I work out and keep my body in
good shape. Plus, I don`t smoke and drink once in a great while. I
love life and am determined to get the most out of it. I also believe
in God and attend church every Sunday.

I date white women exclusively. Well, I should say “non-African
American women” exclusively. I have dated women of
Hispanic-American women, Asian-American woman, and am
currently in a serious relationship with a woman of Middle Eastern
descent. I can`t say whether or not that relationship will work out.
But, I can say that I have no plans and foresee no plans of EVER
dating African-American women again.

So, I guess I`m what you call a sell out. Why? Well, as little as 3
years ago – I felt that black men who dated white women were
sellouts. Strongly believed it, vocally endorsed it, and said it. In
fact, I met a beautiful white woman in 1993 who was very
attractive, had a sparkling personality, and beautiful red hair. We
got along well and when she wanted more, I backed off ONLY
because she was white. She moved on, met, and married a white
guy and they have 2 beautiful kids now.

But, I just got tired of the black woman drama. And, when black
men who date white women say that they choose to do so because
of “black woman drama” I know exactly what they are talking

Women who could not disagree without getting loud. Women who
gotta talk about what other women do or don`t have, what does or
doesn`t look right on them, who “got their nerve”, or “who does she
think she is”, or “no, she didn`t”.

I got tired of all that “black” mentality. I got tired of disagreements
having to always end up with a loud argument. I got tired of taking
sisters to a nice restaurant and, if the food isn`t prepared right,
watch her get an attitude with the waiter.

I got tired of “you can`t run my fingers through my hair…that will
mess it up”. I got tired of planning a romantic weekend, then have
it ruined because she had an attitude because something didn`t go
her way at work on Friday. I got tired of planning social events,
then not having my woman want to go because she didn`t like the
“attitude” of someone who was going to be there. I got tired of
trying to plan for the future financially but dealing with women who
ran to the mall soon as they got paid and didn`t want to leave until
they were nearly broke.

I got tired of sisters who didn`t try to work out or take care of
their bodies but had nothing but nastiness to say about those who
chose to have enough self respect to take care of themselves. I
got tired of taking sisters to elegant affairs and then watch them
have nothing better to do but to comment on what was wrong with
the affair. “That music gots to go”, “The salad don`t taste right”,
“That woman over there needs a breast reduction”. It`s amazing,
but when we went to “black” movie like “Friday” or some Master P
garbage – nothing was ever wrong.

I got tired of sisters who could never find or make time to go to the
gym, but always made their nail and hair appointments religiously. I
got tired of sisters who felt success always had to have a financial
aspect. Tired of dealing with “successful” black women who were
just all into keeping up with the Joneses. Women with bad credit.
Shopping at Sak`s when they have a K-Mart budget. Buying stuff
they can`t afford to show off. Sick of it. I got tired of women who
never have time to read a decent book, but make it a point to buy
every issue of Sister 2 Sister, Essence, Ebony, and never miss a
soap opera.

I got tired of planning adventerous sex and then having it blown off
with “I don`t do that” or “Uh huh”. Now, I am not talking bondage,
S&M, or anything like that. But, maybe turning on some blacklights
and painting each other with flourescent body paints or oiling each
others bodies down or making love in my hot tub, or maybe even in
the greenhouse that I built last year behind my home.

I got tired of hot love making sessions come to a shattering end
because her nail broke. I got tired of that funky attitude, that
nasty ass confrontation demeanor, that “me first” mentality, that
low level of thinking. I got tired of black women and the drama that
always comes with dating one. I got tired of women who don`t let
a man be a man and make the critical decisions but instead butt
him on every turn and them call him trifling or weak if he just gives
up. Now, I know the first thing some of you women are saying is “I
bet he dates women that even white men don`t want”. Nope,
every white woman I date is fine. Ultra fine. Bodies like Jennifer
Lopez. Faces like Vanessa Williams. I have high standards in
everything from cologne, to clothes which I have fitted), to food (I
don`t eat red meat, fried food, or artificially preserved
fruits/vegetables), to women (I don`t date women who don`t take
care of their bodies, minds, or souls).

The women I date are up to my standards (which are high), can
wear 2 piece swimsuits with no embarassment, can tell you the
difference between a Modernist, Post-Impressionist, Post-Modern,
or Contemporary painting, can explain what a diversified portfolio is
and why it is an asset, etc.

And, the women I date are nice women. Nice people. Very nice. If
you car is broke down she would call help on her cell phone for you.
If you are on the street begging for money, she would share some
with you. When I babysit my nieces and nephews, my woman
comes over to help me out – changing diapers and wiping baby
booties with me.

I was fine dining with my girlfriend and the waiter accidentally
spilled wine on her white silk suit? Did she trip? No. Did she get
loud? No. She excused herself and tried to wipe it out. It didn`t.
And, she patiently and politely explained to the manager that the
stain may not come out, the suit cost over $300, and she just felt
that, even though it was a total accident – that the store pay for
the cleaning cost or a new suit.

And, also asked that the waiter not be punished – it was a dark
restaurant and it was an honest mistake. That is nice. A black
woman would have been loud and belligerent -and made a scene.
Then wailed on about the cost of the suit. My woman, politely got
everything in order, then we sat and enjoyed our meal.

Interestingly, there was a table of black professional women about
5 feet away who witnessed the entire situation. We could hear
them go on and on about how they would have “went off”, got
money for a new suit “on the spot”, or claimed the suit cost more
than it actually did. I`m so glad I no longer date black women.

To make it short – I got tired of the black woman mentality. I`m
just putting it out there. A lot of black men who date white won`t
say it – but a lot of them know it is true. While I am trying to not
generalize, my experience is that most black women got an
“attitude”. They like to call it being “real”, or being
“straightforward”, or “speaking their mind”. But, the attitude is just
really a nastiness that says “I can`t disagree without being

I can`t let others be different without belittling them for their
difference. What others think of me is more important than what I
think of myself. All money is meant to be spent ASAP without
thought for tomorrow. Once, I was considering whether I had made
a mistake in dating non-black women so I talked to my mom. Now,
my mom is pure pro-black. As a college student, she marched with
MLK and even was at the march on Washington. She was arrested
at a sit-in down in Alabama during the early 1960`s. She worked
with voter registration drives and is now retired. And, I asked mom
if I was wrong in refusing to consider dating a black woman.

This is what my mom told me… My mom told me “Black women
today are not what they were when I was your age. We had pride,
we would never be caught dead in a movie theater paying to see a
movie that denigrates blacks such as “Friday” or “Booty Call”. I have
nice material things now, but I accumulated those through a life of
hard work and wise choices – not by making money the #1 thing. I
had no problem taking off your dad`s shoes and massaging his feet.
I had no problem when he spent a night out with his male friends. I
had no problem disagreeing with him on issues. I had no problem
letting your father be a man and making the decisions that ran our
household. But, the black women today do not allow black men to
be men. They want to wrest the mantle of leadership from the man
and get an attitude when he tries to be a man then call him
“trifling” if he gives up.”

She added “I can`t blame a young successful black man for not
dating black women today. It is hard enough to achieve success if
you are a black man and it is stressful enough to deal with the
rigors of being a black man in today`s world. A black man does not
need the stress of a woman who constantly keeps drama going and
just can`t enjoy life even when it doesn`t go her way. From the
way our women have went, I just can`t blame a man today for
dating white.”

Critics expose themselves, Not too long ago, my girlfriend and I
stopped at a restaurant and were eating. Across the way were
some black females who gave my girlfriend that up-and-down look
and then cut their eyes to each other in a look of disgust.

Now these women were all at least 200 lbs, sloppy fat, black
women. And, they kept looking to us and letting their voices raise
so we could hear “jungle fever”, “sell out”, “weak nigga”, etc. Next,
it went to “she probably went down on him to get him to leave his
wife”, “you know she lets him cum in her mouth”, “you know he
must have a small penis”, “she`s nothing but white trailer trash”,
“loser”, “slut”, “hoe”, “punk”.

And, that is what I found about nearly all black women who have a
problem with a black man dating only white. They have serious
issues with their own esteem and try to cover up these issues by
attacking black men who date only white women. They can`t
disagree without being insulting and making insulting remarks about
white women`s bodies, lifestyles, sexual habits or making insults
about the black man who date white women.

I date only white women. I used to date black but I got tired of
wasting gentlemen qualities on women who don`t appreciate and
therefore don`t deserve them. And, I speak for a lot of brothers
because I have talked to lot of brothers.

Remember Clarence Thomas? Hmmm, he`s married to a white
woman but it was a black woman who was trying to ruin his career.
While Anita Hill made unfounded slurs about him, Clarence`s wife
showed incredible and dignified restraint. I date only white women.
I refuse to go back to black women.

Milk and White Women Do The Body Good.

Milk and White Women Do The Body Good.

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It was brought to my attention yesterday that a blog for Black Women written by a Black Woman was criticizing interracial advocacy site http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com and of course our blog. Now I’m used to criticism I expected heat when I created this blog, and you all have no idea how much hate mail I receive a week.Usually I dont respond much less make an article about it but I was shocked by the wording the author of the blog site used to describe the act of interracial breeding. She called it “ethnic genocide” really? Ethnic genocide?

Hmmmm, to me this shows how desperate non-white women are getting to “keep their men.” Ethnic Genocide? The holocaust was a genocide, Rwanda, Darfur, Cambodia, Invasion of Native American land those are genocides. Those are ethnic genocides! This just makes me angry because for me it displays pure ignorance. One of history, two of English and three of common sense. Why dont you go down to a child in Darfur and tell him or her that a black man marrying outside his race is “genocide” I’m sure they would love to hear that.

This humble blog may promote white women, interracial relationships, white beauty but I personally have never once condemned people who thought differently than me and I have certainly never used such inappropriate language. Yes, I disagree, I debate I state my case but I never suggested that black men and black women who get married are evil or wrong. As I’ve said many times on this site this is not a hate blog. I dont hate black women, me and my author Kevin might agree or disagree on that topic but even he does not HATE black women. And neither of us would call something as simple as choice “genocide.” Guess what black women and other non-white women there are black men out there who prefer and even honor white women.

But there are plenty of black men who love and honor black women. While I would hope one day interracial relationships of all kinds would be more frequent currently in America that is not that case, and not the case in Africa, or in Europe or in Asia.  So what logic does your statement rely on? None!

I’m sick and fucking tired of black women getting angry when only a relative minority of black men marry outside the race. Are you that insecure? More than likely if you are having trouble getting a man it because there arent a lot of good men in the area or it is you! Sometimes it could be a mix of both. So this so called Genocide, its awful huh? Do you realize that Barack Obama wouldnt even exist had it not been for an “evil white woman” who raised Barack into a great man?

Did you know Fredrick Douglass one of the greatest leaders in African-American history was married to a white woman? Even before it was legal in America. Do you know that due to slavery many African-Americans are mixed race? That due to several things  in American history many African-Americans are not 100% black? I’ll speak more on those topics in future articles the fact of the matter is its not “ethnic genocide” as you so crudely put it, its love. Maybe you have spent so much time in anger you have forgotten what love feels like. Maybe you should step outside your own race and go after a White guy or an Asian guy? So once again this shows me that Black Women and other non-white women are starting to feel the heat, the false stories of the “modern white devil” are starting to wear off. I mean if Iowa, Indiana, Colorado etc. can vote a black man into office I suppose not all white people and thus white women arent that bad huh?

I invite you to a cordial debate on the subject if you are reading this post I invite you to comment back on this. Feel free to state your mind, if you would like to take back your insensitive comment I wont hold it against you, and on another note I feel you have the full right to post your thoughts on your blog even if I feel they are wrong. This is a free country, and in this country I dont consider my father marrying my mother him killing off his ethnicity. I will always embrace the African side of me, hell I even celebrate Kwanza. I know where I stand, do you?

According to Von this is a form of genocide!

According to Von this is a form of genocide!

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Recently I was criticized by some for displaying two scantily clad women in an article about white women who were willing to sacrifice their safety and even their lives to participate in the American Civil Rights Movement. The people said it was disrespectful to do so, and I agree. I ashamed of the photo I used for the article, it was very poor judgment. I will repost the article at a later date with a new photo, but I will keep that version up to remind myself that I can not allow that to happen again. These are very REAL stories that deserve respect and dignity.

The following is a heart breaking story about a white woman the world has forgotten, and sadly but not to my suprise buried in the archives and never talked about by the African-American community. It is a story about sadly the only white woman honored at the Montgomery Boycott Memorial. While I must admit it was African-Americans who had to handle most of the heat for the boycott white families suffered as well and for them, why cant they be more honored. Would teaching young African-Americans that some white people were willing to die for them back then really hurt anything? As I said the African-American community in particular the black women have something against white women I believe.

Viola Gregg Liuzzo
Viola Liuzzo (1925-1965) aided protesters during the civil rights movement of the early 1960s in Alabama. She was killed in a Ku Klux Klan attack in 1965 and is the only white woman honored at the Montgomery Civil Rights Memorial.

Viola Liuzzo:
True Kindness assasinated

Viola Fauver was born in Pennsylvania on 11th April, 1925. As a child, Viola lived in Tennessee and Georgia. After an unsuccessful marriage and the birth of two children, Viola married Anthony J. Liuzzo, a Teamster Union official from Detroit. Viola had three more children and at the age of 36 she resumed her education at Wayne State University. After graduating with top honors Viola became a medical lab technician.

A member of the NAACP, Viola decided to take part in the Selma to Montgomery March on 25th March, 1965, where Martin Luther King led 25,000 people to the Alabama State Capitol and handed a petition to Governor George Wallace, demanding voting rights for African Americans. After the demonstration had finished, Viola volunteered to help drive marchers back to Montgomery Airport. Leroy Moton, a young African American, offered to work as her co-driver.

On the way back from one of these trips to the airport, Viola and Leroy, were passed by a car carrying four members of the Ku Klux Klan from Birmingham. When they saw a white woman and black man in the car together, they immediately knew that they had both been taking part in the civil rights demonstration at Montgomery. The men decided to kill them and after driving alongside Viola’s car, one of the men, Collie Wilkins, put his arm out of the window, and fired his gun. Viola Liuzzo was hit in the head twice and died instantly. Leroy was uninjured and was able to get the car under control before it crashed.

The four men in the car, Collie Wilkins (21), Gary Rowe (34), William Eaton (41) and Eugene Thomas (42) were quickly arrested. Rowe, an FBI undercover agent, testifed against the other three men. In an attempt to prejudice the case, rumours began to circulate that Viola was a member of the Communist Party and had abandoned her five children in order to have sexual relationships with African Americans involved in the civil rights movement. It was later discovered that these highly damaging stories that appeared in the press had come from the FBI.

Despite Rowe’s testimony, the three members of the Ku Klux Klan were acquitted of murder by an Alabama jury. President Lyndon Johnson, instructed his officials to arrange for the men to be charged under an 1870 federal law of conspiring to deprive Viola Liuzzo of her civil rights. Wilkins, Eaton and Thomas were found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The main stream media can ignore this all they want, but one day the truth shall come out! This woman deserves better than what she got, she is a Civil Rights Hero! Please notify your family and friends about this woman!

Viola Liuzzo (1925-1965) Unsung Hero of Civil Rights Movement

Viola Liuzzo (1925-1965) Unsung Hero of Civil Rights Movement

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While this article for the St. Petersburg Times was written for Black History Month by a name named Maxwell, with the recent 100 year anniversary of the NAACP I felt that it was only right we didn’t brush over the brave white women of the Civil Rights Movement. Here is the article:

A dear friend telephoned a few days ago and reminded me that I was letting another Black History Month pass without writing about one of the unsung groups of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. My friend is white. Although born financially well off, she has taught journalism at the same traditionally black college in Mississippi since 1972.

I met her during the summer of 1965 in Meadville, Miss., when I was a 19-year-old college student from Texas, and she a 19-year-old college student from Georgia. She was a pretty, petite member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. I was a journalism intern for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Her job was more important than mine, and her life was in much more danger than mine. I merely had to observe, report and write stories and shoot photographs. She put her life on the line.

She was one of thousands of white women who joined the black-led civil rights movement, who came of age during the era of the nation’s greatest social, intellectual and political discontent and renewal. She is right: Hers is an unsung group of freedom fighters. She easily could have suffered the fate of Viola Gregg Luizzo, a mother of five, who traveled from her comfortable home in Michigan to the South to help us. On March 25, 1965, an Alabama Klansman fired a .38-caliber pistol through the window of her car, killing her instantly.

We knew the dangers of working in Meadville. A few months before our arrival, two black men, Henry Dee, 19, and Charles Moore, 20, had been murdered by Klansmen and their bodies dumped in the Mississippi River. Dee had been decapitated, and a piece of wire encircled his torso. Divers found only the lower half of Moore’s body. His ankles were tied with a rope.

Yes, we knew that cops, Klansmen and ordinary racists were especially brutal when white women and black men — suggesting sexual intimacy — were caught together.

My friend lived in a shack with three other women in an all-black, remote section of the county. During the day, she taught in what we called the Freedom School, places where thousands of black children — underserved by the South’s separate-but-equal school system — learned to read and write. During evening hours, she joined other activists in registering illiterate and near-illiterate blacks to vote.

One night, while accompanying her and three black workers to a home where they would help an old black couple complete a Social Security application, I asked her this question: “You’re the daughter of a Southern Baptist preacher. Why’re you risking your life for niggers?”

I remember her answer well (I wrote it in my journal): “Don’t use that word in my presence. Racism is a sin. As a Christian, I’ve got to work — even die — to get rid of this sin.”

“But you’re white.”

“Which makes me even more responsible.”

I swore that night I would write about her and other white women who risked their lives for the cause of civil rights. Alas, I am just now getting around to it — nearly 40 years later.

To make my job easier, my friend sent me a copy of Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement. Published in 2000 by the University of Georgia Press, it is a volume that anthologizes the memoirs of Constance Curry, Joan C. Browning, Dorothy Dawson Burlage, Penny Patch, Theresa Del Pozzo, Sue Thrasher, Elaine DeLott Baker, Emmie Schrader Adams, Casey Hayden.

I read it a few days ago, and all of the memories, the fears and the euphoria mostly, returned. I remember the late-night rides on deep-rutted roads through pine forests; steamy wooden churches in the middle of nowhere; white girls curled up under quilts on the floors of cars and the beds of pickups so that redneck cops would not spot them with niggers; black dudes scared they would be blamed if a white cop shoots a white woman; dank and stinking jail cells in towns with very long names; “doing your business” in bushes and behind trees; hastily written picket signs with misspelled words; delicious meals cooked by fat black women wearing feed-sack dresses and colorful aprons.

In their preface, the women list the questions they answer in the memoirs: “These are our stories of the costly times we wouldn’t have missed for the world, and of the people and places and events that filled them. We speak to several questions: Why us? Why did we, of all the white women growing up in our hometowns, cross the color line in the days of segregation and join the Southern Freedom Movement of the sixties? How did we find our way? What happened to us there? How did we leave, and what did we take with us? And, especially, what was it like?”

The thing I admire most about these women, along with those I knew personally, was their selflessness, the devotion to doing right because right is right. I especially respected those like my friend, whose families openly treated African-Americans as inferiors. More than one were disinherited by their parents because of their involvement with the movement.

But these women — mere teenagers — persevered at our side, holding to their heart-deep commitment to social justice. In their special way, they helped this nation at least acknowledge its promise of equality to all citizens. They showed white people that racism not only disfigures its black victims, it also disfigures white people. It turns some whites into grotesque creatures who don sheets and hoods, who burn crosses and murder in the name of God and their race.

Deep in Our Hearts dispels the myth that whites in the civil rights movement were a monolith — rich, East Coast, Ivy League brats with too much time on their hands.

Here is the truth, in the nine women’s own words: “We are all different: Southern and northern; rural and urban; state university and Ivy League; middle class, working class, and poor. We moved to our radical activities in various ways: by Marxism, Christian existentialism, and immigrant folk wisdom; by our grandmothers and the Constitution; by Thoreau and Dumas; by living on a kibbutz; by African freedom fighters; and a Deep South upbringing.”

These nine white women, along with thousands of others, made our country a better place. The movement did not end in these women’s personal lives after they went home for the last time.

Penny Patch speaks for her co-writers, and she speaks for me: “The experience remains at the core of who I am.”

Now some of you may think I’m against the NAACP but I am not. The NAACP is a fantastic organization whom if not for them I could not be sitting here in Chicago typing and honoring the white woman like I am. My problem is there is no Association outside hateful and violent white supremacy groups that are for the advancement of white women.

White women each and every year get pushed to the side for “progress” somehow white women aren’t allowed to come along for the ride even though they helped. Its a shameful silent disgrace that goes on all around the world even in Europe. Perhaps one day we could form the NAAWW The National Association for the Advancement of White Women. But maybe that is too optimistic, it saddens me that despite all white women did (obviously excluding the racist ones) the black community has a growing movement for us to hate white women.Hopefully one day it will change but for now we will just have to do our part to make sure their stories are told.

They gave so much for us and in return we give them hate.

They gave so much for us and in return we give them hate.

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